The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company presents its brand persona with the MassMutual Financial Group logo. When a successful agent contacted our experts to discuss the design, manufacture, and installation of a logo sign after relocating to a larger office, we created dimensional letters. In Fort Worth, these types of signage elements are excellently suited for financial, legal, and insurance services providers.

When discussing the material selection for the display, our client wanted to see options that would make the lettering look sharp and expensive, but without actually costing a mint. Could we do it? You bet! The finished product complements the soft gray wall with a brushed metal finish. The blue style elements of the logo portion are the exact height of the lettering presentation, which helps balance the appearance. Sleek, elegant, and stylish, this sign works perfectly at branding the office and looking like a million bucks without actually breaking the budget.

Providing High Value with Smart Material Choices

Dimensional Letters in Fort Worth

We work with a broad range of materials that deliver excellent value for the budget-conscious business owner.

  • Aluminum. Lightweight, versatile, and suitable for use a cast dimensional letters, our clients like the brushed finish look that the material offers. That said, we could enamel the lettering to feature any color you prefer.
  • Foam. Sign foam is an excellent option for a budget-friendly sign display that nevertheless packs a powerful and impressive punch. If you like appearances that impress with size, the foam can most certainly accommodate your taste. Because this material allows for the design of products that measure up to three inches in thickness, consider its installation with LEDs that create light and shadow play.
  • Acrylic. This material is ideal for the use with colorful, high-gloss presentations of your brand persona. It looks sleek and contemporary.
  • Laminates. When you combine foam with thin acrylic or metal laminates, you give your letters an appearance of being made from the more expensive material through and through. We paint the sides of the foam to match the color of the laminate, which supports the visuals.

Of course, we also provide specialty signs featuring boutique materials such as glass, hardwood, and brass.

How to Order Dimensional Letters in Fort Worth

When you are ready to order your dimensional letter lobby sign, contact our graphic artists to discuss your design choices. We work with you to identify the right size for your setting and the best value for your budget. If you are thinking of outfitting your office with additional markers, remember that it is always a good idea to order the lobby sign first. It sets the tone for the overall brand appearance in the space, and the other signs support the message.

Examples of such signage products would include ADA signs, wayfinding markers, directories and wall, window, or floor graphics. Another option to consider is your exterior signage. If you are moving into a recently vacated office, there may be some signs in place we can refurbish to save you money. In the alternative, we can design a new signage product for the exterior, too.

Call us today to learn more!

Dimensional Letters in Fort Worth